The Role of Football in Enhancing Social Cohesion

The results from this study support the general trends highlighted in existing literature. Sport-based programmes tend to adopt a predominantly individual view of social cohesion, emphasizing components related to social relations, appreciation of diversity, identity and mutual help. In addition, the majority of participants connect social cohesion to notions of a sense of belonging.Resource : ก้าวเข้าสู่อนาคตของการพนันกับ

Moreover, this individual focus on social cohesion is often accompanied by an explicit – or implicit – emphasis on outgroups, particularly vulnerable groups, as well as a sense of personal responsibility for the development and transfer of social cohesion. This polarizes the focus of a programme to the extent that it largely disengages from the need to address structural meso or macro level items such as socioeconomic inequality or relations with institutions (Fonseca et al. 2019; Schiefer and van der Noll 2017; Delhey and Dragolov 2016; Moustakas 2021).

Unity through Sport: Football’s Role in Enhancing Social Cohesion

To improve democracy in many countries, there is a need for football clubs, federations, and governments to work together to develop the unifier power of football, and in doing so promote democratic values like tolerance, equality, respect, freedom, justice and fair play. This will increase trust in football and governmental institutions, decrease polarization and ultimately lead to an improved democracy. To achieve this, a greater commitment should be taken by players, coaches and governing bodies to understand their needs, the challenges of their communities and the problems that they face on a daily basis.