Hurrah For the Bonnie Blue Flag

When the States that seceded from the Union met in February of 1861 to form the Confederate States of America, they adopted a flag that had a single white star on a field of blue. This flag, also known as the Bonnie Blue Flag or the Lone Star Flag, was seen as both a symbol of fellowship among the seceding States and a symbol of rebellion against what they perceived as excessive Federal power. At the secession convention a preceding officer waved this flag while shouting “Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag!”Go here:

This song, which was written by Harry Macarthy to the tune of the old Irish folk song “The Irish Jaunting Car,” became very popular in the early days of the Civil War. As more States joined the Confederacy, new verses were added to this Southern propaganda song. By the end of the war there were eleven different editions of this song in print.

Unveiling the Bonnie Blue Flag: An Icon of Southern Identity

It’s important to remember the motives of the South in fighting for independence. Especially when the issue is one of rights and property. This song, along with others like it, helped to convince many rural white voters that the cause was worth sacrificing their lives for. This is a wonderful example of the role that music could play in creating a new nation. The lyrics and music of this song are powerfully persuasive. It is no wonder that it was used as Southern propaganda to recruit soldiers and citizens for the fight.